Disclosure & Barring Service
Before being self-employed as a PAMS 4.0 Family Assessment worker, I have worked as a Court Manager and Advocate for elderly people living in sheltered accommodation.
I have managed my own business providing residential living for adults with Challenging Behaviours, Complex Needs and Learning Difficulties; this role also involved working with Local and National Government Appointed Inspection and Safeguarding Agencies.
I have extensive experience in working with children and young people whom have learning difficulties, and/or that are diagnosed to be on the Autistic Spectrum, Prader-Willi Syndrome.
I have worked with young people who display a variety of challenging and offending behaviours, some of which have been the result of being a victim to and experiencing several forms of abuse and neglect.
In all of my professional roles, I have undertaken a variety of in-house training courses including:
- Safeguarding Adults
- Safeguarding Children
- First Aid
- Sexuality and Relationships
- Substance misuse
- Managing Violence and Aggression