Frequently Asked Questions
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- Can anyone access the services of Alternative Directions?
- Yes, the service is available to anyone who feels that we can help them. The same terms and conditions apply.
- Who do you feel can benefit from your services?
- Both survivors and perpetrators of abuse and neglect.
Public and private agencies who support and work with abuse victims and perpetrators.
- What professional agencies would benefit from the services of Alternative Directions?
- Social Care and Health Agencies, both public and private, Police departments particularly Child Protection Units and Criminal Investigation Units. Education including Schools including Primary, Junior and Senior, Colleges and Universities. Our service also extends to pupils who attend schools for special educational needs.
- Will I get the same person every time?
- Yes, all the work identified will be completed by the same person where possible, consideration must be given to sickness, annual leave etc.
- Will our sessions remain confidential?
- Where child protection is not compromised we will not pass on any of the information shared or discussed without the prior discussion with you and the individuals involved in your case.
- Will anyone else be present and will you share my information with anyone else?
- At times it may require two people to work with your case but you will meet any other individual before any work commences or that needs to be included. In cases where the work is commissioned by a Local Authority or that is Court ordered we may be under obligation to share information.
- How long will the work take to complete?
- This will depend upon the outcome and findings of your assessment and your ability to undertake and understand the work that will be planned for you.
- What will happen at the end of our work together?
- It is hoped that at the end of the work completed with you that you will be confident enough to move on with your life feeling safe in yourself and for others.