At Alternative Directions ...
...we acknowledge that at times it can be very hard to talk about our experiences, especially cruel and negative ones; talking about a problem or concern cannot not physically harm you, talking to someone who cares can be reassuring. Finding the inner strength to talk means facing our fears and finding the heart to tackle old hurt and memories, this takes courage, finding the energy to assess your needs and to move-on takes hope.
Working alongside you it is hoped that we can provide you with the very best of opportunities and life chances to move on with your life.
Alternative Directions offer a wide range of services that are delivered from years of experience; we have worked within the child protection arena working with children, young people and their families. We have worked with victims and perpetrators of physical, emotional and sexual abuse, neglect and the effects of trauma this causes; we have offered individual/ group support and supervision for families and professionals alike.
Alternative Directions offer both initial assessment of need and risk, also offered are comprehensive assessments and 1-1 intervention services for young people who display or are convicted of sexual inappropriate behaviours, they are planned and pitched at a level that is understandable to the client group.
Alternative Directions offer training and support to individuals, private and public agencies, schools, colleges and universities. This support can come in the guise of lectures and practice teaching for students on placement. We are also able to offer professional supervision/support to individuals who work within the child protection arena.